

  • All submissions must be e-mailed to with the subject “Cosplay Submission”
  • Cosplay Arabia Magazine believes in crediting all parties involved in a creative project. Make sure you have written and or digital permission to submit from both the cosplay model as well as the photographer  via screen shot or photography release to Cosplay Arabia Magazine which is required for publication.

  • Do not send a mix of different models, photographers, etc in one submission.

  • Preferred platform of submission of high resolution images is Google Drive. Kindly refrain from using services with a link expiry such as WeTransfer as retrieving the files has been troublesome in the past.

  • Submit 5-15 images.

    • Full shoots have a higher chance of a full story feature.

  • Characters may be original designs or from existing games, movies, anime etc .

  • If you would like the chance to be shared on Cosplay Arabia social media, please do not delete your shared files after being featured.


  • Please provide the name of the cosplay / characters submitted

  • As mentioned previously, we take crediting everyone involved in a shoot seriously, but cannot be held accountable for spelling mistakes for names and handles submitted. Make sure you have sent us the correct information in your initial submission itself.

  • Errors in credit information cannot be edited after publication of the magazine. You must ensure that all credit information is correct and spelled correctly when it is sent to us.

  • Provide and format the creative team behind your submission including but not limited to the Cosplayer, Photographer, prop commissioner, seamstress, wig stylist, etc or whatever is specifically applicable for your submission.

    • Please provide one link per person involved

    • Ideally an Instagram or Facebook page is preferred


    • Files may be sent as JPEG and PNG format.

    • Google drive is recommended platform to share images. Copy and paste the link to the folder in your email.

    • Images submitted must be high resolution and quality files for print. Avoid mobile phone images or images with visible pixellation.

    • High resolution images MUST be attached in your initial email to reduce back and forth communication. Those in violation of this will immediately be rejected by our editors.


We send out tear sheets within the first 5 working days of a release. You are allowed to post your tear sheet (s) on your websites and or social medias with proper tagging. If for any reason you have not received your tear sheet – kindly wait 6 working days post issue release to get in touch with us.

Cosplay Arabia is currently a print-on-demand magazine and does not offer complimentary copies.