Pennywise Cosplay by Amani


Amani is a 17 year old high school student who finds passion is cosplaying. Her introduction was a stint at IGN 2014 wherein her sister did her makeup. The experience left her mesmerized and she began participating regularly from 2015.


Q. Being a young cosplayer – do you see cosplaying as a growing trend among the youth ?

A. Yes I do! Most of my friends have been trying to cosplay and they ask me all the time about how I achieve certain looks.


Q. What has been the general reaction at home to you cosplaying ? Is it something that is encouraged ?

A. It’s very encouraged especially by my mom! She’s the most supportive as she always sends me pictures and cosplays to do, buys me the makeup, surprises me with tickets to events such as Animania and IGN, so yeah very supported by the family when it comes to cosplaying.


Q. Would you consider cosplaying professionally some day ? Visiting and even competing at international events ?

A. Of course if I get the chance to I would be totally down!



Q. What would make cosplaying better?

A. If it was encouraged more by our society and if we had more events and meet ups such as ign, comic con and Animania.


Q. How do you research the cosplay before you make it?

A. Whenever I see a character that I like, whether its 2 am or 2 pm – that’s irrelevant – I have to write it down and think of ways to adapt it to my persona. Then work on getting the materials I actually need to complete the cosplay.


Q. What are some of your dream cosplays?

A. The Grinch & Mystique (X-Men)


Q. If you could cosplay anywhere in the world, where would it be & why?

A. Japan or the USA, because the sights are beautiful to take pictures in and you can find the right materials to use for your cosplay.


Q. Do you try to stay cheap or do you splurge on materials?

A. Sometimes I make budget friendly cosplays from things around the house and sometimes I just go crazy and splurge

The Team

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