Leon S. Kennedy by Isa Sadat


My name’s Isa, I’m 28, born & raised in Bahrain, my mother is half Spanish/pinoy, while my dad is half Turkish/Persian. I got into cosplay because it sounded fun but after seeing everyone’s reaction, them being in awe, it was very motivational & just made me want to do more.

Someone who truly inspired me to keep pursuing this was my late best friend Mohammed, he adored his cosplay of Deadpool to the point that his own personality improved, in terms of confidence, fitness, his love for spreading joy to everyone and overall quality of life really.


Q. How do you research the cosplay before you make it

A. Initially, I try to find inspiration from other cosplayers & fanart, then find good quality fashionable casual outfit that can also work as everyday occasion, gives it a more live-action feel/touch to it.


Q. Do you style your own wigs?

A. Yes, but sometimes ask my fiancée’ Arah for professional help in wig styling!


Q. Do you try to duplicate your character’s expressions, walk, movements, etc.?

A. Of course! Roleplaying the character is one of the best things ever.


Q. What is the funniest reaction you’ve gotten cosplaying from people?

A. Shy fans screaming to  catch my attention from a distance haha, it’s cute.


Q. What was your worst experience acting in character?

A. I was in my chubby phase as Maes Hughes character from Full Metal Alchemist, and one of the judge asked if I made the cosplay, I said I did not, he said: “What a shame.”



Q. What is your opinion of the Bahrain Cosplay Community?

A. It’s still very young, as many come into the Cosplay Community with a wrong mindset about the Cosplay Concept, Cosplay is simply meant to be for fun, find old & new friends, to explore one’s capabilities, to challenge yourself and improve in many aspect of your life.


Q. You are fond of RE characters and usually cosplay as them at conventions – do you think this is limiting you as a cosplayer ?

A. Not at all! Having the drive & passion for any cosplay, be it repeated style or theme, is the most important aspect of a cosplayer, as with every version it shows obvious improvement.


Q. You are engaged to a cosplayer as well – does that mean all future cosplays will be couples cosplays only ?

A. Most probably, as the hobby is very contagious & a fun experience to be shared with friends, family & especially loved ones!


Q. How extreme are you willing to go to emulate your character?

A. I would go as far as to body build & dye my hair, both equally expensive but worth the challenge as it pays off big time!.


Q. Do you think it is a positive or a negative thing having a partner who cosplays? Does jealously creep in if they get too much (male) attention at conventions ?

A. It’s definitely a positive thing, as they become both your partner & rival. You constantly grow in cosplay progression! I feel quite proud to see my partner making new friends & being even more popular!

The Team

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